

Javier Marzan and Emma Fielding

Productions in which Javier Marzan and Emma Fielding worked together.


The Massive Tragedy of Madame Bovary
as Emma

cast: John Nicholson, Javier Marzan, Jonathan Holmes

Liverpool Everyman/Peepolykus, Gemma Bodinetz
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The Massive Tragedy of Madame Bovary British actress Emma Fielding


A Trespasser's Guide to the Classics
as Lady Macbeth

Episode: The Prophecy. Comedy troupe Peepolykus assume the roles of minor characters in great works of fiction and derail the plot through their hapless buffoonery.

cast: Javier Marzan, John Dougall, John Nicholson, Finlay Robertson, Chetna Pandya

BBC Radio 4

Javier Marzan and Emma Fielding © Emma Fielding - online football manager