

Jonathan Keeble and Emma Fielding

Productions in which Jonathan Keeble and Emma Fielding worked together.


Something Understood: Seeking Eurydice
as reader

Something Understood: Seeking Eurydice. Jo Fidgen goes in search of an afterlife that an atheist can believe in.

cast: Jonathan Keeble

BBC Radio 4


Something Understood: Everything Has Its Place
as reader

The pursuit of coherence in our lives is often mirrored in the orderly way in which we manage the clutter of our physical environment.

cast: Jonathan Keeble

BBC Radio 4


Something Understood: The Disguise
as reader

Something Understood: The Disguise. With reference to artists, writers, poets and the voices of different generations, Sarah Cuddon examines the way a pseudonym helps us to embellish, conceal and reveal who we are.

cast: Jonathan Keeble

BBC Radio 4


Something Understood: On Walking
as reader

Something Understood: On Walking. The writer Melissa Viney reflects on one of her favourite pastimes - walking. What many of us take for granted as a rather mundane activity provides others with spiritual comfort.

cast: Jonathan Keeble

BBC Radio 4


Something Understood: The Poetry of Healing
as reader

Something Understood: The Poetry of Healing. The poet Kenneth Steven considers why people seek out poetry at a time of crisis.

cast: Jonathan Keeble

BBC Radio 4


Something Understood: The Dance of Life
as reader

Something Understood: The Dance of Life. Actor Felicity Finch reflects on childhood ballet lessons, adult salsa classes and observations of dance-like movements in everyday life through the writings of Isadora Duncan and Rudolph Laban, Gunther Grass' autobiography and Gabrielle Roth's Sweat Your Prayers.

cast: Jonathan Keeble

BBC Radio 4

Jonathan Keeble and Emma Fielding © Emma Fielding - voice actress British accent